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Invasive Species Programs

Invasive Species Programs

About This Site

The purpose of this website is to provide easy access to invasive species related information and programs of the University of Florida’s Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS). The site is managed by the UF/IFAS Invasive Species Council.

Preventing and controlling invasive species are high priorities of the UF/IFAS Cooperative Extension Service because invasive species cause significant damage to Florida’s environment, economy, and quality of life. Florida must prevent new invasions while also utilizing the most up to date management tools available to control the invasive species already established.

There are so many UF/IFAS programs and research projects on invasive species that it can be difficult to know where to begin. By collecting links to this information in one place, we hope to provide a starting place for you.

For questions or comments regarding this site and the UF IFAS Invasive Species Council, contact Deborah Stone, UF/IFAS Invasive Species Extension Coordinator.

Invasive Species Council Publications

Invasive Species Terminology: Standardizing for Stakeholder Education, Journal of Extension.

More Resources

UF/IFAS Extension

UF/IFAS Extension encompasses scientists, educators, and volunteers that work together to give Floridians the knowledge they need in their daily lives. Extension is a federal, state, and county partnership dedicated to developing knowledge in agriculture, human and natural resources, and the life sciences and to making that knowledge accessible to sustain and enhance the quality of human life. At Extension website, Solutions for Your Life, Floridians can explore topics in lawn and garden care, family life and consumer choices, agriculture, community development, the environment, and youth development. 

UF/IFAS Center For Landscape Conservation And Ecology (CLCE)

The Center for Landscape Conservation & Ecology conducts interdisciplinary research and provides science-based education on urban landscape practices to protect and conserve Florida's natural resources. Houses key UF/IFAS landscape programs including the Florida-Florida Friendly Landscaping Program, Gardening Solutions, and the Florida Master Gardener Program. 

IFAS Pest Diagnostic Services

Given the enormous range of land over which Florida farms, forests, rangelands, and agriculture related facilities are dispersed, it is critical that we have a similarly widespread capacity to detect, diagnose, and respond to intentional and accidental introductions of plant diseases, insects, and other pests.  UF IFAS has established the Florida Plant Diagnostic Network, a plant pest diagnostic and reporting system, which will help first detectors submit plant samples, images, and detailed crop information for pest diagnosis.

UF Invasion Science Research Initiative

The mission of the Invasion Science Research Initiative (ISRI) is to proactively address the management and prevention of invasive species, through partnerships and science-based teaching programs. Learn more about invasion science research and find experts across UF at the link above.

UF/IFAS Center For Public Issues Education (Pie Center)

The UF/IFAS Center for Public Issues (PIE Center) responds to the many economic, environmental and social challenges Floridians face by measuring knowledge, behaviors and attitudes of consumers and constituents. The PIE Center then shares its findings with stakeholders through educational outreach and training programs using cutting-edge technology. The PIE Center ultimately focuses on enabling the public and policymakers to make informed decisions to preserve Florida's agricultural and natural resources assets. 

Florida Forest Stewardship

The mission of the Florida Forest Stewardship Program is to help and encourage private landowners to manage their lands for long-term environmental, economic, and social benefits.  

University of Florida Herbarium (FlAS)

The oldest, largest, and most comprehensive botanical collection in Florida with almost 500,000 specimens.  Its mission focuses in plant collections acquisition and care, research, education, and public service.  The herbarium is actively growing, with approximately 2500 plant specimens and 300 library items added each year.