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This section includes programs and research related to invasive mammals, reptiles and amphibians, fish, and birds.


The Croc Docs

A team of biologists, ecological modelers, and outreach specialists on the forefront of wildlife research in south Florida and the Caribbean. They conduct long-term, applied research and monitoring focused on crocodilians, invasive reptiles, threatened and endangered species, climate change, and human dimensions. In collaboration with federal, state, local, and tribal agencies, they respond to pressing wildlife management needs and provide scientific support for Everglades restoration.

Invasive vertebrates-cuban tree frog

The Johnson Lab

Housed within the UF IFAS Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, it provides detailed information related to invasive reptiles and amphibinas in Florida.


Tropical Aquaculture Laboratory

Non-native species research and extension. Non-native species are important to the aquaculture and aquarium industries. Some non-natives support important recreational and commercial fisheries and some are used for aquatic weed control. Unfortunately, some non-native fishes and other aquatic animals have escaped from culture, been released by hobbyists, or have entered the environment through other pathways. Of this group of introduced species, some establish populations, some spread, and a few can become problematic for Florida’s environment, economy, and human health/quality of life.

Vertebrates-Feral hogs damage native plants at Lower Suwannee National Wildlife Refuge in Florida. (Steve Hillebrand/USFWS)-RangeCattleREC-Button

Range Cattle Research and Education Center

Weed Science and Rangeland Wildlife and Ecosystem programs. Mission: Provide science-based information to address the challenges affecting owners and managers of grazing lands.

For questions or comments regarding this site and the UF IFAS Invasive Species Council, contact Emily Bell, UF/IFAS Invasive Species Extension Coordinator.