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Invasive Species Programs

Invasive Species Programs

Invasive Pathogens

This section includes programs and research related to invasive human, animal, and plant pathogens.

Invasive pathogens - Emerging Pathogens

Emerging Pathogens

Emerging Pathogens Institute: a world-class research environment to facilitate interdisciplinary studies of the emergence and control of Human Pathogens, Animal Pathogens, and Plant Pathogens of concern to Florida, the nation and the world.


Plant Pathology

Dedicated to supporting plant health through research in plant and pathogen genetics, plant-microbe interactions, epidemiology, network analysis, and smart agricultural. Our faculty are experts in temperate, sub-tropical and tropical crop diseases and our extension programs are second to none. We offer a full complement of excellent courses from introductory plant pathology to pathogen groups and beyond, to provide our outstanding graduate students with the best training available. Innovative science, outstanding graduate program, extension and outreach.


Southern Forest and Tree Health Diagnostics

A group of Southeastern Forest & Tree Health specialists associated with several Universities. We are here to help identify pests and diseases in your forest or backyard, and to recommend a solution!  Note: This is a Facebook group and requires a Facebook account and request to join the group to participate.